Guide pour démarrer avec des poules (2 à 3 poules) - Ma Poule Express

Guide to getting started with chickens (2 to 3 chickens)

Welcome to our blog dedicated to raising urban chickens! If you are considering embarking on the adventure of raising chickens in an urban environment, you have come to the right place. We are here to guide you through the essential steps to create and maintain a small chicken coop in your garden or on your balcony. From setting up a comfortable and secure habitat, through to managing the diet and health of your chickens, we will share with you our best advice and tips for succeeding in your chicken farming project in an environment. urban. Stay with us to find out how you can add a touch of rural life to your city life through chicken farming!

An urban chicken coop : It is specially designed to accommodate a few chickens. If you plan to keep them in winter, make sure it is well insulated. Don't forget to have an outdoor enclosure so your chickens can roam freely and safely.

Chicken food : Opt for a quality food specially formulated for laying hens. You can also add supplements like oyster shells to strengthen their egg shells.

Litter : Use litter suitable for your henhouse to absorb humidity and reduce odors, wood chip style.

Nest box : Install comfortable nest boxes where your hens can lay their eggs in complete peace and quiet.

Parasite Treatment : Be sure to keep an eye out for potential parasites and treat them as needed to ensure the health of your chickens.

To prevent parasites, you can also use diatomaceous earth . Sprinkle it in the nest boxes, in their dust bath and under their wings. You can also add a small amount to their food to prevent internal parasites.

Treats : If these are your first chickens, you may want to use treats to tame them more easily, such as mealworms or various seeds.

Dust bath : A box filled with dust specially designed for chickens, or simply sand, is ideal. They use it to clean their feathers.

Additional accessories : Add perches , chicken toys and other accessories to make your chickens' environment more enriching.

Feeder : A 3 to 6 kg feeder is generally sufficient in the henhouse. However, if you notice your chickens jostling for food, you might consider adding an extra chicken. In summer, it is not necessary to add a feeder outside because chickens tend to feed on items found in the ground.

Waterer : A 3 to 6 liter waterer is enough for 3 hens inside the henhouse. In summer, it is also recommended to have a water trough outside so that the chickens can hydrate easily.

We hope this little guide will help you in your adventure with chickens. If you have any questions or need assistance purchasing your merchandise, please do not hesitate to contact us. We hope this little guide will help you in your adventure with chickens. If you have any questions or need help purchasing your merchandise, please do not hesitate to contact us. We hope this little guide will help you in your adventure with chickens. If you have any questions or need assistance purchasing your merchandise, please do not hesitate to contact us.

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